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The USA Martial Arts Federation (USAMAF)  is  recognized worldwide as a leading organization in Martial Arts education. Offering training, rank, and certification in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Iaido, USAMAF is one of the largest traditional Martial Arts organizations in the United States!

About our Founder - Hanshi Roger A. Jarrett

9th Dan – Tae Kwon Do / Karate Do                             

9th Dan – Judo / Jujitsu

8th Dan – Iaido

8th Dan – Aikido


President and Chief Instructor for the:

USA Martial Arts Training Centers ( 22 schools nationwide)

USA Martial Arts Federation

Chong Shin Tae Kwon Do Karate Association

USA Aikido Association

USA Judo/Jujitsu Association

USA Iaido Shoshin Yama Ryu

International Iai Tate Do Federation

United International Martial Arts Federation


Senior Representative for the:

USA National Karate-Do Federation

USA Karate Federation

United States Jujitsu Federation

United States Traditional Kodokan Judo Federation

United States Martial Arts Association

Chudokai Aikido Federation International

International Yoshinkai Aikido Federation

World Kobudo Federation

World Tae Kwon Do Chang Moo Kwan

Pan American Karate Federation

World Karate Federation

Hanshi Jarrett has over 50 years of experience training, teaching, and   competing in the martial arts. A former national Karate champion and All-American, he has trained numerous national and international Karate champions. Hanshi Jarrett has traveled throughout the world training, teaching, refereeing, and   coaching.


Mr. Jarrett is a national and international Karate Referee for the United States. He holds a Pan American Referee license and World Karate Federation Judge (A) license. He has also served as coach for the USA Karate Team.

In August, 1997, Mr. Jarrett was inducted into the USA Karate Hall of Fame in Akron, Ohio. He was awarded this honor because of his many contributions over the years to the Martial Arts in the United States. He was particularly honored for his work in getting Karate recognized by the United States Olympic Committee and getting Karate into the Pan American Olympic Games.


In September, 2006, Mr. Jarrett was appointed President of the USA National Karate-Do Federation which is the National Governing Body (NGB) for Sport Karate as recognized by the United States Olympic Committee. Mr. Jarrett hosted the 2007 USA National Karate Championships in Charleston, WV. Over 4000 competitors participated for this event. Mr. Jarrett continues to host many major events in the Charleston area.

Master Jarrett gives demonstrations and motivational talks for schools,   businesses, and churches throughout the country. He ran a series of self defense tips for WCHS TV8, which aired for a year on “Good Morning West Virginia”.

The USA Karate Hall of Fame selected Master Jarrett as the 2001 “Man of the Year.” He was also promoted to the rank of 8th Dan, Grandmaster.

In April 2013 Master Jarrett, after refusing the rank for over 3 years, he formally accepted the promotion to the rank of 9th Dan and the highest Martial Arts teaching license and title of Hanshi.


Aikido Information:

Jarrett Sensei has trained in traditional Aikido since 1974. He began his   Aikido training with Fumio Toyoda Shihan. Mr. Jarrett served as the North Central Regional Director of the Aikido Association of America for many years. He is now a student under Kevin Blok Hanshi (9th Dan) and is Blok Sensei’s most senior black belt. Hanshi Blok, in August 2023, promoted Mr. Jarrett to the rank of Hachidan(8th Dan) and awarded him the title of Hanshi in Aikido.

Jarrett Sensei is currently the President and Chief Instructor for the USA Aikido Association representing the Chudokai Aikido Federation International.


Judo and Jujitsu Information:

Hanshi Jarrett holds the rank of 9th Dan in both Judo and Jujitsu. He is a Life Member of the United States Judo Association (USJA) and is a Founding Life Member of the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF). He is the President and Chief Instructor of the USA Judo/Jujitsu Association, Vice-President of the USJJF, and Technical Chairman of the US Traditional Kodokan Judo Federation.


Iaido Information:

Jarrett Sensei holds the rank of 8th Dan in Iaido. He has studied many styles of Iaido, Iai Jitsu, and Ken Jitsu including Kashima Shinto Ryu, Katori Shinto Ryu, Omori Ryu, Eishin Ryu, etc.   He is the President and Chief Instructor of the USA Iaido Shoshin Yama Ryu. In June 2004, Hanshi Kiyoshi Yamazaki retired his position as Chief Instructor (Soke) of the International Iai Tate Do Federation to Hanshi Jarrett.


Goals and Philosophy:

Master Jarrett goal is to constantly perfect his character through his Martial Arts and his Christian beliefs and to help others develop the confidence and focus to be the best that they can be, and enjoy this wonderful life that God has given us. He strives to teach the “True Spirit” of the Martial Arts with an open mind and a trusting heart.

“Believe in yourself and others will believe in you also.”

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